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Become a Tea Professional! International Certificate Class of Taiwan Specialty Tea - Elementary
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全台第一場臺灣特色茶國際證照班! 想要深度了解臺灣茶? 這就是你需要的!

The FIRST International Certificate Class of Taiwan Specialty Tea in Taiwan! Want to know more about Taiwanese Tea? This is what you need!


International Certificate Class of Taiwan Specialty Tea

* 金額以付款頁面為準


【關於臺灣茶】【About Taiwanese Tea】 臺灣在世界的茶飲文化中扮演著重要的角色,在過去茶業貿易鼎盛的年代,臺灣茶以「Formosa Tea」為名,將茶分享到全世界,在當時臺灣紅茶以及臺灣烏龍也因此享譽盛名。 Taiwanese tea plays an important part in the world's tea culture and industry. During the ages when tea trading was thriving, Taiwanese tea was known as "Formosa Tea." Using this name, we shared our tea with the world. Formosa Black Tea and Formosa Oolong Tea were famous during that period of time.

臺灣茶產業自17世紀開始發展,至今已有將近400年的歷史。從茶葉外銷到今日的「珍珠奶茶」飲茶文化,臺灣持續地用「茶」來與世界搭起文化交流的橋樑! The Taiwanese tea industry has been developing since the 17th century, which means it has already been almost 400 years. From the exportation period to the culture of "bubble tea," Taiwan has consistently connected with the world by showcasing Taiwanese tea culture.


【關於臺灣特色茶國際證照班】 【About the International Certificate Class of Taiwan Specialty Tea】 你將會學習到…. You will be able to take the following courses:

1. 臺灣茶葉概況 About the Tea Industry in Taiwan

  • 有關臺灣茶區、品種以及歷史介紹
  • Introduction to the tea plantations, categories, and history.

2. 認識臺灣特色茶 Taiwanese Specialty Tea

  • 了解臺灣特色茶,包含臺灣綠茶、文山包種茶、高山烏龍、凍頂烏龍茶、鐵觀音茶、紅烏龍茶、東方美人以及臺灣紅茶(大葉種、小葉種、蜜香紅茶) Understanding Taiwanese Specialty Tea, including Taiwan Green Tea, Wen Shan Pouchong Tea, High Mountain Oolong Tea, Dongding Oolong, Tieguanyin Tea, Red Oolong Tea, Oriental Beauty, and Taiwanese Black Tea.
  • 搭配標準茶樣實作。

3. 如何沖泡臺灣茶 Knowledge and Practice of Tea Brewing

  • 茶葉沖泡知識
  • 臺灣茶藝簡介
  • 體驗茶藝藝術以及美學
  • 茶席體驗實作與分享
  • How to brew different teas
  • Introduction to the Taiwanese tea ceremony
  • The art of brewing tea and its aesthetic experience
  • Tea ceremony practice and sharing

4. 茶園參訪 Tea Plantations Tour

  • 臺灣客家茶文化館雨林聯盟認證茶園參訪
  • Visit the Rainforest Alliance Certified Tea Plantation at the Taiwan Hakka Tea Culture Museum.

5. 採茶製茶體驗 Tea Making

  • 製茶步驟解說講解
  • 臺灣客家茶文化館製茶體驗
  • Introduction to the tea-making process
  • Experience tea making at the Taiwan Hakka Tea Culture Museum

【關於臺灣客家茶文化館】【About Taiwan Hakka Tea Culture Museum】 臺灣客家茶文化館整體規劃以「茶文化展示」與「茶產業體驗」為主軸,並以客家文化作為發展重心,將台三線的地理環境優勢及人文產業發展加以整合,讓本館在臺灣茶產業有嶄新的角色及定位。 The whole concept of the Taiwan Hakka Tea Culture Museum is to present Taiwanese tea culture and provide an experience of the tea. Combining the rich Hakka culture with the advantages of the location beside the Taiwan Romantic Route 3 and the cultural and creative industry, this museum takes on a brand new role in the entire tea industry.


第 1 天
  • 10:30 採茶 11:00上課、日光萎凋 12:00 午餐 13:00 上課 16:00 殺青、揉捻 17:00 晚餐 18:00 乾燥、喝茶、上課、小測驗 20:00 回家 10:30 Tea picking 11:00 Course + Solar withering 12:00 Lunch time 13:00 Course 16:00 Fixation + Rolling 17:00 Dinner time 18:00 Drying + Tea Tasting +Course + Quize 20:00 Home
第 2 天
  • 00:0009:00 考試、心得 10:00 喝茶 12:00 結業式、午餐 09:00 Examination + Feedback Report 10:00 Tea Tasting 12:00 Honors day + Lunch


  • 電子憑證將寄送至Email信箱,請於現場出示電子憑證


【2024 年臺灣特色茶國際證照班 - 初級 第一期 】 課程時間 | 2024/09/17 - 09/18 has been postponed to 9/28 - 9/29 課程費用 | $780 USD 課程地點 | 臺灣客家茶文化館 課程地址 | 325桃園市龍潭區高原路768號 課程位置 | 福爾摩沙茶館 六國茶室台灣館 【2024 International Certificate Class of Taiwan Specialty Tea -1】 Course date | 2024/09/17、2024/09/18 Course fee | $780 USD Location | Taiwan Hakka Tea Culture Museum Classroom | ILHA Formosa Tea House, The Chamber of Six Nations - Taiwan Address | No.768, Gaoyuan Rd., Longtan Dist, Taoyuan City 325, Taiwan

【課程費用包含】【Course fee includes】

  • 茶改場認證種子教師課程教學費用
  • 兩日課程包含精緻午餐及茶點
  • 茶葉製作部分材料與費用
  • 結業術科考試費用
  • The original teaching materials of the certify teacher from Tea Research and Extension Station, MOA.
  • Comprehended teaching of five major themes: 20 hours in total
  • Lunch for two days are included
  • Tea making experience
  • Test fee (one time)
  • Certificate fee (one time)

【學生資格】【Student Qualification】 1. 限外籍人士(非中華民國籍及非中國國籍)或境外臺籍華僑。 2. 全英授課 1. Expat or Overseas Taiwanese only (not holding the citizenship of The Republic of China or The People's Republic of China 2. Taught in English

【考試說明】【Examinations】 考試將會在第二天課程結束後舉行,考生須辨別10種臺灣特色茶,考生可依茶樣的外觀、形狀、色澤以及香氣辨識茶類。整體考題共計10題,成績達70分(含)以上,即為通過。考試將舉行20分鐘。 The test will be conducted after the course is completed, and the lecturer will review the key points before the test. The Taiwanese Tea Tasting test has a total of 10 multiple-choice questions, with a passing score of 70. The test time is 20 minutes.


  • 中國
  • 台灣





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Become a Tea Professional! International Certificate Class of Taiwan Specialty Tea - Elementary